Online UGM

Online User Group Meetings - Your Success Hour with Personio

  • 18 October 2022
  • 1 reply
Online User Group Meetings - Your Success Hour with Personio
Userlevel 2

Dear Community 

Do you know our Online User Group Meeting format already? We have collected the most relevant insights here to explain it to you 😊


What is a an Online User Group Meeting?

User Groups connect People and Community to share strategies and best practices around a given product. These users are usually from different companies or organizations. 

User Groups enable Users to exchange relevant topics, share best practice and communicate around a product they all use - Personio 

  • 60 minute Online Meeting with educational presentations
  • Updates on Product Roadmap, major releases and HR best practices
  • Live Q&A for your questions to the experts
  • Online UGM take place via Zoom and you can easily dial in 


🙌 Your Benefits

  1. Delightful strategical Product insights
    Get early insights to Product releases and learn as one of the about the Personio Product Roadmap. The Personio User Group Meetings are one of the best Channels to exchange directly with Personio Product Experts on which features will be planned next. 
  2. User Groups help you Succeed 
    As Personio User you will learn on how to best use the Account. You will get access to all the relevant information you need to make the Best out of your Personio Account. 
  3. Learn from your Peers
    User Group Meetings is your Customer Centric Event. You as Personio User can create the content, post discussions and questions, and feel like it’s your space and discussion. 
  4. Get inspired by HR Content 
    Besides the Product insights, we will give you access to relevant HR Content, invite interesting Peers from your industry and share the best practices. 

And all this - in one Event Format! 


⚠️📣 Mark your calendar for the upcoming Personio UGM! (27.10.2022)


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Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Looking forward to all the updates involved in the Meeting 😍

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