
New in Personio: Autosaving Evaluations

Related products: Recruiting

Dear Community,

We have heard your feedback, and we are excited to announce a new feature for our recruiting section: from now on, your candidate evaluations will be saved automatically.

  • Once you start working on an evaluation, Personio saves it automatically as draft. If you like, you can close your draft at any time via the new button Close and save, and come back to it whenever you want. Evaluations remain in draft status until you send them.

  • Personio saves your progress automatically every time you make a change, whether to ratings or text, and a tick icon next to the text field confirms that your progress is safe.

  • Personio stores the evaluations in your browser. This means that even if you accidentally close your browser tab, you can still retrieve your evaluation.

We hope you are as excited as we are about this improvement!

Check out this new functionality and let us know your thoughts. We are always happy to hear from you!

Your Community Team

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