
New in Personio: Transfer Multiple Fixed Salaries with the DATEV LODAS Integration

Related products: DATEV

Dear Community,

We have great news for everyone using the DATEV integration with LODAS for their monthly payroll process. As of now, you can transfer several types of fixed salaries with the DATEV export. Here are the new functionalities:

  • Configure the transfer of fixed salaries with custom mapping of the DATEV Salary Type ID.

  • Use a custom attribute to define which DATEV Salary Type ID is transferred for the respective attribute value. The DATEV Fixed Salary ID remains the same for all DATEV Salary Type IDs.

  • Create and transfer the DATEV export, including fixed salaries that have been set up.

Here is an example of a possible setup:


For further information on transferring fixed salaries, have a look at our article Export of Fixed Salaries With the DATEV LODAS Integration.

Cheers from Munich,

Your Community Team

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