
New in Personio: Validations for DATEV Attributes in the Employee Profile

Related products: Employee Information

Dear Community,

Correctly formatted attribute values are crucial for the successful transfer of your HR master data with the DATEV Lohnimportdatenservice. To help you keep an eye on your data in the future and identify format errors before you approve payroll, format errors are now flagged in the employee profile.

Example or error messages based on the three attributes first name, last name and position with exceeded number of characters:

Here are the new functions:

  • Format errors for DATEV attributes will be displayed to all employees with editing rights to the corresponding section the attributes are located in. 

  • The error message provides details on format specifications so that you can correct the errors immediately.

  • In addition to the error message in the payroll table, this allows you to identify and correct format errors before you complete payroll accounting.

For more information, visit our Help Center article Validations of Attribute Values for the Data Transfer with DATEV.

Cheers from Munich,

Your Community Team

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