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Recap: Personio Product Update - December

  • 5 December 2022
  • 0 replies
Recap: Personio Product Update - December

📹 Recording and questions 

You missed the Personio Product Update in December, or you want to watch the most important part again in peace? - No problem, we’ve recorded everything for you! 😊


These topics are waiting for you: 



  • Continuous Feedback


  • Zapier Update

  • bdg ONE, e2mod, Studytube


  • Today’s Interviews

  • Calender-Integration: Update


  • Setting Christmas holidays for your company

  • What to consider with the change of vacation carry-over limit

  • Export of Feedback from the employee profile


Do you want to read more about the presented features, have a look at the updates: 



There was one open question during the webinar that I informed myself internally:

Is it also possible to specifically request continuous feedback from colleagues?

At the moment, this is not yet possible. So far, continuous feedback can only be given voluntarily. However, it is planned for H1 in 2023 that continuous feedback can also be requested by employees. :)


Please let us know if you have any further questions about the presented topics!

Have a wonderful week, 


Lena & Laura

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