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Dear Community,

in 59 days our community will be 1 year old. :confetti_ball:

As we already summarised in our year end post a lot has happened since then!
You've submitted 267 questions and discussions, and exchanged your experiences with each other and with us.

As the Community Team, we would like to Thank You for engaging and participating. It is a pleasure to be in contact with you every day! :hugging:

Of course, we want to constantly adapt and improve the community functions and categories. We therefore do a little spring clean. 🧹

Over the course of these weeks, we have screened all of the topics you submitted. We added tags to improve the search experience, moved some of the topics and also updated the posts if necessary.

The most significant change for you is:

  • the move of the Implementation into the Support Area, which we have combined and divided into 9 subcategories. 
  • that you can now more easily search for a category and get inspired what other users are posting in your category of interest. 
  • that due to the overall reduction of subcategories it’s now easier to find what you’re looking for.


The Background of this decision: 

We have noticed that the questions in both main categories are very similar and it was probably not always easy for you to decide which question belongs in which sub-category.

Of course, you are welcome to ask questions that arise during the Implementation process here in the categories of the Support Area. As well as for any other topics that you need support in Personio you can create a new post.

In the following you can find the 9 available categories of the support area: 

  1. Employee Data & Documents
    Here you place all your questions and discussions about Employee Data & Documents, like the sections, dashboard, employee list and document templates.
  2. Attendances & Absences
    Sharing all your questions and discussions on Attendances & Absences as well as the Calendar.
  3. Employee Roles & Approvals
    Place all your questions discussions and experiences about employee roles & approvals or also the Login in this section.
  4. Performance
    Ask all your questions and start discussions about performance, such as target bonuses, feedbacks and the performance cycle in this section.
  5. Reports
    Here you can ask all your questions and discussions around reports, such as company data exports, standard reports, custom reports and exports.
  6. Salary & Payroll
    Place here all your questions and discussions about Salary & Payroll, such as Salary Overview, Salary Tabs, DATEV Integration and Payroll.
  7. Recruiting
    All questions and discussions about recruiting in and via Personio, such as the applicant profile, recruiting roles, interviews or the integration of career sites.
  8. Integrations & workflows
    Share in this section all your questions, discussions and best practices about integrations & workflows, such as Onboarding/Offboarding, the eSignatures, or tools from the Marketplace.
  9. Other topics
    Here you can post all topics and questions that you cannot assign to any other area.


We will make additional minor changes to the Welcome Area and the design of the homepage in the coming weeks. We are also always grateful for your feedback & suggestions.

What do you think of the changes?
You are welcome to leave a comment here or by submitting it as an idea (choosing the Product Area "Community"). 

We look forward to your suggestions!
Your Community Team

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