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Offline Workshops with our Personio Customer Advisory Board


We were so excited to meet you offline again! 
This week, our existing and new CAB members joined us for a 1.5 days hybrid event in our Munich office, with 14 companies participating offline and another 6 companies online. 

In our Munich office we came together in groups to exchange ideas about current challenges, strategic developments, diversity issues and technical requirements for fast growing and international companies. 


Our workshop topics:

  • People Workflow Automation

  • Value talk - Training Management

  • De-biasing hiring and addressing diversity in the workplace

  • Personio Strategic Pillar: Mid Market


What is the CAB:

One component of the Personio community is the Customer Advisory Board (CAB). Each year, we select 14-15 customers to collaboratively shape the future of Personio through feedback, constructive input, market insights and workshops. 


Goal of the CAB:

Customer Empathy means for us to understand how our customers operate, what they need and how we can support that best. 

Therefore we started our Customer Advisory Board back in 2019. This November, we started with our 3rd round, again welcoming 14 very interesting companies and their HR representatives to our Board.


To all of our attendees: 

Thank you to everyone for the insights, sharing of expertise, and networking over the past 2 days 


 Interested in learning more about the CAB or want to be a participant yourself? Feel free to post in the comments here or contact me directly @Hanna Be  with a message. You can also fill out the form directly on the website:



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