The first milestone of the API 2.0 is live! πŸŽ‰

Related products: Workflows

Dear Community,Β 

A year ago we announced API 2.0 and in this post we asked you for your feedback. APIs are necessary to exchange data between software products (e.g. MS Teams and Personio).

You can read more about the API and especially the technical details in our Developer Hub.


For the past months, we have been actively working on the new API experience and today we can present you with the first milestone: The new API authentication. πŸš€


What does the change include?

In the previous experience, API credentials were used to request a token that was then used to push data to or pull data from Personio. This token worked like a one-time valid admission ticket that had to be replaced with a new admission ticket upon re-entry.

Using the new API authentication, this token is now valid for 24 hours and can accordingly be used multiple times and also in parallel for requests to the Personio API.

The new API authentication makes working with the Personio API easier and more user-friendly. It reduces the error rate and makes the Personio API more stable and robust overall.

This is the first milestone on the way to API 2.0, and we will keep you updated on further improvements.


Kind regards,
Valentin and the Personio Integration Team

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