Product news

🔔 Wait, what’s that? New Product Updates Heading Your Way! 🎊

🔔 Wait, what’s that? New Product Updates Heading Your Way! 🎊

Hi community 👋🏻


👀 Notice something new in our Personio product? ⚙️


👩🏻‍🔬 We're in the lab, mixin' up some cool product tweaks inspired by your feedback!

 While some of the information in our Community may be temporarily out of date, we will  make sure you stay up-to-date with our latest product changes. 🧰

✨ We've got some shiny new product updates coming your way soon. Get ready to be wowed and delighted—stay tuned!


Hang tight for the grand reveal of our latest releases!


Linda and the Voyager Community Team

For our community members that want to read more about our Product upcoming changes, you can find more at our Help Center here :)