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Saturday and Sunday shifts and working time compensations in Finland

  • 28 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi Personio users especially in Finland!

I'm tagging some of you I found here: @Katriina @Edda van der Ende @Krista 


I’d be interested to hear how you have solved the issue with evening / Saturday / Sunday shifts, if you have that. According to our collective agreement (TES), you get a +15/25/100 % compensation for those hours, and in our organisation it’s not paid but added to the working hours. E.g. if you work (by the employer’s request which is different from flexible working hours), for 4 hours on a Saturday, you should mark 1,25 x 4 = 5 working hours. We are just starting with Personio and thought to handle this with project markings and manual adjustments but I’m not satisfied with the solution and would like to find more ways to do it. If there’s some over time balance it could be converted to an additional absence type with correct ratios, but that is not always the case with flexible working hours, so we can’t really count on that.

Thanks a lot for any tips!


Anna from Finland

Hi @AnnaD - thank you for tagging. We don’t have weekend shifts. But if a person needs to work overtime, they mark it as a separate time recording with the Project “overtime hours” (which we have created separately in Settings) and add a description to the Comment field (e.g. “Project X, approved by NN NN). Then we have the possibility to take a report out of Personio with these overtime hours.

It might be that this didn’t help you at all, but this is the closest to your question what we have :)



Thanks a lot Edda!

Yes, that’s the way we’ve planned for the weekend shifts as well, the only problem is that there’s need for manual adjustments afterwards. But luckily we don’t have those very often. I hope one day this feature could be added to the work schedules… :) 



Hi @AnnaD,

Unfortunately, we currently don’t have a better solution for this but I can understand why this would be useful, and I would like to encourage you to post this suggestion of improvement in our Ideation area. This way, other users will be able to vote for it, and the suggestion will be shared with our Product Team.

In order for us to fully understand your idea, I share with you a couple of questions that your description should clarify when posting in the Ideation area:

  • What would you like to achieve with Personio? What issue do you need to solve?

  • Why? What would be the added value for you?

  • How are you solving it right now?

The more details, the better! However, remember not to share any personal or business data with the public.

Make sure to add the link to the idea in this thread, so that other users that find your question can upvote it 💪🏼

Thank you in advance for sharing your ideas with us 🙌🏽 And thanks @Edda van der Ende for jumping in and sharing your workaround with us! 😊

Wishing you a lovely afternoon! 😃



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