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Hi everyone!

I was looking into the vacation settings in Personio.  We use Personio across 3 countries where there are different regulations.


As far as accruals are concerned I have set up individual accrual policies so that is not an issue. However, we want to start implementing our policy of limiting the number of carry over days and providing a cut-off date at which - if not used - the carried over days will be removed from the system.


It is currently not possible for me to adapt the carry over regulations per country.  Example:  In Germany  we limit the number of carry over days to 10 and the cut-off is 31.03.  In Croatia the limit is also 10, but with a cut-off date 30.06.  In the US there is no cut-off date.   I would like to open a discussion about how this can be reflected to avoid manual data adjustments.  As far as I can see it is currently not possible to limit the number of days carried over but again I may be missing something.


Also:  It is currently not possible to apply a specific date by which the change in the vacation regulations becomes live. Example:  We currently do not have a cut-off date set. We would like to set that up for 2023, but not apply that to past years.  If I set it up the system automatically removes all carry over vacation days that were not used in the past by the set cut-off date. This in turn changes the current vacation data for employees. (I am currently manually adjusting everything manually!).  I think that particularly small organisations may not want to have a hard cut when the team is small but as the organisation grows it may become necessary or desirable to use that function so employees are not accruing a large backlog of vacation (and causing the organisation to build up respectively high financial accruals for this). This is why we would like to start using the function but not retrospectively.


I would be interested to hear feedback on this and learn about any development plans that may be in place.

Cheers, and enjoy your day!


Hi @Linda,

Thank you so much for yet another amazing contribution to the community 🤩.

I am happy to add some comments about this topic. 

In order to be able to manage your absences for different countries easier, I recommend creating a different Absence Type per country, instead of using one Absence Type with different Accrual policies. This is because, as you already realized, it is not possible to change the Carryover limit for Accrual policies. You can grant your employees Access rights to the Absence type of their country, to avoid confusions. 

Moreover, you are totally right, on the moment it is not possible to limit the number of days carried over from one year to another. I can totally understand why this would be a useful functionality and would be really happy if you would share it in the ideation area! This feature is not yet on our roadmap. 

In order to help you solve this, you can undertake the following process:

  1. The day before the vacation period finishes, for example the last day of the year, you can undertake a Custom report with the following data:
Reports > Custom reports

This way, you can filter employees by Office and see how many vacation days they have available until the last day of the vacation period.

  1. Next, you can export this Report and analyze the data in it. In case the employees have more days than they are allowed to take to the next year, you can reduce the number on the Excel file.

For example, if an employee from Croatia where the limit is 10 days, has 12 days, you would correct this and change the value to 10. Employees who have less than 10 days of carryover can be deleted from the Excel file, since they are allowed to take all the leftover vacation days to the next year.

  1. Next, adapt the Excel file to our Absence Balance Import and import the 10 days to the corresponding profiles. Be aware that the Balance date in the import must be the last day of the year for it to be considered as carryover and reduced accordingly on the limit day (30.06 for Croatia for example).

For more information about changing the Carryover limit of your Absence type, please visit our help center:

→ Can I Retrospectively Change the Carryover Limit for Vacation Days?

Please share with me if these steps are helpful for you or any further question you might have about this topic.

I wish you a lovely afternoon 🌟.





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