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Is Your Company Prepared For Hybrid Work?

  • 29 March 2021
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Is Your Company Prepared For Hybrid Work?

What’s the future of hybrid work going to look like? In this article, our Chief People Officer, Ross Seychell, offers a super helpful model to help assess whether your company is adequately prepared for introducing hybrid work into your organization. We hope you enjoy the read! 

When I think about the ‘offices of tomorrow,’ I don’t really see it as a black-and-white matter anymore. There’s no ‘remote only’ or ‘office only’ for everyone. Instead, hybrid ways of working will truly take shape, and why not? They are more responsive to the different needs of employees and can be a key way to increase their satisfaction at work.

In this article, I’ll show you why hybrid working is the model of the future and offer a handy framework you can use to evaluate whether it’s the right fit for your organization. – Ross Seychell, Chief People Officer at Personio

Hybrid Work Models Are On The Rise

According to Gensler’s ‘Global Workforce Surveys,’ 67% of workers in the UK prefer a hybrid work model moving forward. Three days in the office and two working from home is seen as the optimal split to combine the best of both worlds: social contact and easier collaboration, on the one hand, more flexibility and freedom on the other. 

How you design your hybrid working model ultimately depends entirely on your culture and the goals you want to achieve with hybrid working. There are very different hybrid models, so every company needs to decide for themselves what kind of split makes sense.

For all those who still have doubts about the concept of remote work: Studies show that employees who work from home are more productive and better able to reconcile family and professional life. So, optimal conditions for a mixed, hybrid model.

The 4 Advantages Of A Hybrid Model

Your employees all have different personalities and ideas about where and how they work. No rigid, one-size-fits-all model will ever completely meet the needs of all your employees. 

Hybrid work models, on the other hand, give your employees the opportunity to find the best way of working for them within a framework. For your company, this means a satisfied and motivated workforce – and the increased productivity that comes with it. 

It also allows companies to …

  • Retain talent through a more attractive working model. 
  • Create added value for all parties involved.
  • Pay towards a more flexible, digital, and purposeful future of work.

Does A Hybrid Model Suit Your Organization?

From the very beginning, let’s answer the following: Which approach, i.e. which distribution of home office and office work, do you want to choose? Should this approach apply company-wide and equally across departments? Or, would you rather set guidelines, which each team can then adapt to their own needs? 

Also, consider your team and company structures: Where do dependencies exist that don’t allow for a hybrid setup? Is one department perhaps dependent on the presence of another? 

Once this foundation is laid, you can truly start in earnest. In general, there are nine pillars that are important in evaluating whether a hybrid model fits your organization. The further you get on the scale, at “5,” the greater your fit.


You can find the full article, for your reading enjoyment, by clicking the link right here

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