International Women's Day

The Indispensability of Women in HR: A Tribute to International Women's Day 💜

  • 8 March 2024
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The Indispensability of Women in HR: A Tribute to International Women's Day 💜
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Dear Community,

On this International Women's Day, we want to shine a special spotlight on the remarkable contributions of women in the field of Human Resources (HR). Their role is not only crucial for the success of organisations, but also for promoting a fairer and more inclusive work environment.

Women play a pivotal role in the HR department as drivers of transformative policies and inclusive workplaces. In the UK, over 70% of employees in the HR sector are female. With their empathy and intuition, they shape harmonious work environments and understand the needs of employees. They actively promote diversity and inclusion, advocate for equal opportunities, and serve as role models for gender equality. Moreover, they identify and nurture talent, laying the groundwork for a generation of strong leaders.

Of course, we don't forget the valuable contributions of male colleagues in HR. Today, however, we want to focus particularly on the extraordinary achievements and influence of women in this field.

 💜 Women who have made a lasting impact on the HR and workplace:

  • Anke Giesen: As the Personnel Director of Fraport AG, she significantly contributes to the development of a diverse and inclusive work culture, promotes diversity in the aviation industry, and advocates for the advancement of women in technical professions.
  • Pilar López Álvarez: Pilar López Álvarez is the President of Microsoft Spain and a leading advocate for digital transformation and innovation in the workplace. Under her leadership, Microsoft Spain has implemented initiatives to support diversity and inclusion, including programs to promote gender equality in the technology sector and support for women entrepreneurs.
  • Indra Nooyi: Former CEO of PepsiCo, she was one of the most prominent female leaders in the corporate world and implemented innovative HR strategies while advocating for the promotion of women into leadership roles.
  • Helena Morrissey, CBE: Helena Morrissey is a prominent businesswoman and former CEO of Newton Investment Management. She is known for her advocacy of gender diversity in the workplace and has been a vocal supporter of initiatives to increase the representation of women in leadership positions. Morrissey has also been involved in campaigns to promote flexible working practices and improve work-life balance for employees, including within HR.

👉 Let's celebrate the women who inspire us!

Share your stories and experiences about the remarkable women who have shaped your life and career. Let's honor their achievements and pass on their inspiration.


We wish you all an inspiring International Women's Day!


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