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  • 25 July 2024
  • 1 reply


Our performance process review is very simple: we measure ourselves against individual goals that were set at the start of the year. Can I just convert the goals into a performance evaluation template easily? Ideally we would want our employees to receive all the goals and once the performance review cycle is activated, they should received a form with teh very same goals and rate their own performance against those goals and then submit the form to their manager.  I see many performance templates in the cycle but not a way to capture all the goals in the template and allow the employee to easily self evaluate



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Userlevel 6

Hi @Andreina Orta,

From what you are describing, I think that a Self review would best suit your needs. A Self review is a review type that allows employees to complete an evaluation of their own work performance and goals. After the launch of a review cycle, an individual who has been assigned a self review can complete their self-reflection by filling out and sending the Self review form to their respective supervisor.

For more information, please see this Help Center article: 

Thanks for your query and should you have further questions, please let me know. 😀



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