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Org changes and launched review cycles

  • 25 October 2023
  • 2 replies

We are launching a review cycle tomorrow but will see some organisational changes in the organisation which involve employees shifting to different supervisors over the coming weeks.  If I launch the review cycle will it be affected by those future changes or does it remain as it is launched?  It would make no sense to have new supervisors review employees.  I need to understand how this works.    Does the new supervisor get the  information that he/she needs to do the review and do they then need to request a peer review?

The obvious thing to do would be to wait until the changes are done but we need to get this launched to ensure the reviews are completed by mid December. Grateful for any input you can provide.

Thanks all!

Cheers, Linda 🍁

2 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey @Linda 

Yes I would almost definitely recommend waiting until the changes are put through until you launch the Performance Cycle. The reason being that if Supervisors are changed mid-cycle the review requests will get carried over to the new one. This it outlined in our helpcenter article below:

To avoid future pain points in regards to this, I would have to recommend waiting. It may take longer to launch but in the end the correct Supervisors will have the reviews assigned. Otherwise as mentioned, you will have possibly two Supervisors being assigned a Manager Review for example. 

Happy to help on any follow up questions if you have any.

Best regards, 


Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Thanks  Conor,

I understand but we are not able to wait to trigger the process.  There are ongoing org changes within the organisation so we need to find a workaround.  We will try to peer review option (i.e. new supervisor requests review from old supervisor.  If the old supervisor is still active in the business he/she will be expected to do the review - depending on when the shift in supervisor takes place.






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