Let's define a common language, what terminology do you use?

  • 5 May 2023
  • 0 replies
Let's define a common language, what terminology do you use?

Dear Personio users,

We, the Customer Operations team, need your support!

We want to learn how you speak to improve Personio for you. We’re running a short and sweet terminology test: It will only take 2 or 3 minutes of your time.

How does it work?

We’re providing you with 7 sentences. Each of these contains a blank. For this blank, insert the first word that pops to your mind. We’re trying to figure out the words you use instinctively, so we can use those to improve Personio.

Like I said, short and sweet!


➡️ Take test ⬅️


Thanks so much in advance. We really appreciate you taking the time to help us make your life easier.

Let me know if you have any further questions, happy to answer any!



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