NEW: What do you think about Personio’s support offerings?

  • 18 January 2024
  • 0 replies

:star2: Hey Personio Community! :star2:

I'm Sarah, UX Researcher at Personio, and I need YOUR insights to make our support offerings better! :rocket:
:thinking_face: What are your thoughts on how Personio supports you? I'm on the lookout for Account Owners, Admins, and fellow Personio Voyagers to share your experiences with our support resources. Ready for a chat? Here's what I'll be diving into:

  • :globe_with_meridians: How does your organization find support from Personio? 
  • :books: What's your take on the online help content, like our Find Answers portal?
  • :rocket: How can we level up to meet YOUR support needs?

:bulb: Why should you speak with us? Your input fuels real change! We're using your feedback to improve our support offerings.
:alarm_clock: How much time will it take? Just 30-60 minutes on a Zoom call with me!
:earth_africa: The interviews are happening in English.

:sparkles: Sign up on my calendar to share your thoughts. Questions? Leave them below! :rocket:
🗓 Sarah’s Calendar Sign-up Link

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