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Dear Community

A client of ours has doctors who are on a very flexible working schedule. They have a fixed amount of hours per week (e.g. 36), but can work various times and with no fixed days. For example one week 3x12 hours, next week 4x6 + 1x12 hours. How do I best create this in Personio?

For now I created a model called Fixed Employment 36 hours per week and distributed the working hours evenly over the week (with 05hrs 8 min/day) and selected that minus hours should not be counted on a daily basis.

Does anyone else have experience with a similar case and can share how you have displayed it in Personio?

Thank you!



Liebe Community, 

Ein Kunde von uns hat Ärzte, die sehr flexible Arbeitszeiten haben. Sie haben eine feste Anzahl von Stunden pro Woche (z.B. 36), können aber zu verschiedenen Zeiten und an verschiedenen Tagen arbeiten. Zum Beispiel eine Woche 3x12 Stunden, nächste Woche 4x6 + 1x12 Stunden. Wie kann ich das am besten in Personio erstellen?

Momentan habe ich ein Modell - “Feste Beschäftigung 36 Stunden pro Woche” erstellt und die Arbeitsstunden gleichmäßig über die Woche verteilt (mit 05 Std. 8 Min./Tag) und ausgewählt, dass Minusstunden nicht täglich gezählt werden sollen.

Hat sonst noch jemand Erfahrung mit einem ähnlichen Fall und kann mitteilen, wie ihr das in Personio dargestellt hast?

Vielen Dank!

Hi @Linda Merrett !

Your current setup sounds good. 🚀

When creating a flexible work schedule, here’s a few key points to remember:

  • If workers are expected to have shifts on any day of the week, then spread out the weekly hours over all applicable days. ✅
    • Why? When an employee needs to request time off, the system will deduct days/hours from the relevant absence balance only if that week day is considered a work day. 🤔
Enter hours on each day of the week for flexible working schedules.
  • If you want to track overtime, avoid enabling the Track deficit hours and Deduct hours options if possible ✅
    • Why? The deficit hours settings work best for regular schedules, where an employee must respect the exact work hours defined for each work day. 🤓
When configuring the overtime settings, be careful as to all the options available.
  • If employees have vacation days, sick leave entitlement, etc., make sure that the validity settings of the absence types respect the settings of the work schedule.❗️
    • Why? If an employee’s work days are anywhere from Monday to Sunday but the absence type is only valid from Monday to Friday, then any time off requested for a Saturday or Sunday will not be properly deducted from their entitlement balance. 😧 
    • 🚨 Be careful 🚨 If you already have an absence type created and is currently being used, then do not change the settings. If you do, then this will apply the changes retroactively. Simply create a new absence type specifically for the flexible workers, and assign them sick leave entitlement, vacation accrual policies, etc. under this new category.
Choose when the absence type is considered valid. You are best checking the settings of your work schedules first.

Does this help? Let me know what you think!


Hi Megan,

This helps indeed. Now I set it up like this to arrive at the exact number of working hours each week (see screenshots). Is that ok or can it have any implications on e.g. holiday?

As for the validity settings - I have tried to do that, but I don’t have the option to choose Mon-Sun (see screenshot). How come? 

Additionally, another question came up meanwhile. They also have employees who are on a highly flexible working schedule with no contractual agreed hours. How do we best display this in Personio. Right now I created a model with only 1 min of working time on Monday’s since it was mandatory to add some working time. Is this an ok workaround?


Best regards,


Hi there. Are there any new/better workarounds for a weekly different working schedule? Our employees doesn’t have a bi-weekly changing schedule but actually a weekly changing schedule. Could you offer me suggestions on how to manage this in Personio in order to make sure the correct amount of holidays is deducted when they make a leave request?

Hi @marielle.van.wieringen,

I have answered your question in the following thread:



@Andrea - are you able to give input on why I can’t see the Mon-Sun in the validity settings and what I should choose instead? (In thread above).



Hi @Linda Merrett,

I am sorry for the wait, my colleague Megan will get back to you to further support you with the topic.

Thank you so much for your patience.



Hi @Linda Merrett !

Many apologies for the delay.

Regarding the validity settings, is your absence type set up in Unit of time Hours? If yes, then unfortunately the Monday-Sunday option is just not available. It is currently only available for absences configured in Days.

As for the workers with non-contractual working hours, putting in 1 minute is fine, as long as you do this for any day that the employee must/can work.

If you have any further questions, do let me know!

Hi @mruscito,

Thanks for your response. So what should I put instead of Monday-Sunday? For now I chose “working time schedule including public holidays”. Is that correct?


As for the flexible working time schedule - the problem there is that we won’t know on which days they will work. So we can’t know in advance. Is it possible to do time tracking without having been assigned a working time model? If yes, does that have any implications?


Or how do we best solve it with these very flexible models?




Hi @Linda Merrett !

As long as you have work hours registered in the work schedule from Monday to Sunday, you can still choose Work Schedule incl. Public Holidays or Work Schedule excl. Public Holidays.

The only thing that you need to consider here is the following:
 - If an employee requests time off, and the absence falls on a public holiday (according to their office’s public holidays calendar), do you want the system to deduct this day from their absence entitlement? If yes, then you need to choose including public holidays.

  • Example: Employee X has 25 vacation days, and their work days can range from Monday to Sunday. They put in a vacation request for April 10th, which is Easter Monday and is considered a public holiday as per their office’s calendar. If the vacation request is approved, employee X will now have 24 days vacation days left in their absence balance.

- If an employee requests time off, and the absence falls on a public holiday (according to their office’s public holidays calendar), do you want the system to deduct this day from their absence entitlement? If no, then you need to choose excluding public holidays.

  • Example: Employee X has 25 vacation days, and their work days can range from Monday to Sunday. They put in a vacation request for April 10th, which is Easter Monday and is considered a public holiday as per their office’s calendar. If the vacation request is approved, employee X will still have 25 days vacation days left in their absence balance.


As for time tracking with no schedule, unfortunately this is not possible. When you create a new employee profile, there is an option to choose a work schedule. If no schedule is chosen, then the system will automatically assign the default schedule saved in your account.

For your case, you may be best just creating a schedule with hours registered for every day of the week, and then choosing one of the above Validity settings based on your company’s absence policies for these types of workers. 
If you want to into detail about the entitlement rules that you have for flexible workers, please do reach out to our Customer Support Team via Find Answers. We’ll be able to take a look into your account and see what options could be best for the different scenarios that you have.

Any further questions, please let me know!


Hi @Linda Merrett 

Hope all is well! My name is Maria and I work in the product team with Personio.

We are currently working on a new product functionality to enable our customers to set up flexible weekly schedules.

We’d love to hear more about your current challenges and how we can best solve them with the new feature.   

Would you be available for a 30 minute conversation? The call will be in English over zoom. 

Your time and feedback would be much appreciated.

Please use this Calendly link to schedule a call with me or feel free to email me if that suits better at

Many thanks, 


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