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We have recently uploaded onto Personio staff sick leave records dating back four years. This is because our sick leave entitlement is over a four year rolling period. We have only been using Personio since March this year and previously we managed leave differently. We don’t want to have to upload old sick leave certs for the staff, but they have been getting notifications that multiple certificates are missing, and we are being inundated with questions about this. 


How can I stop the system from requesting sick certs for years prior? 

Hi @Agata 😊

In this case, what can be done is;  The approver needs to access the specific absence, select Edit, and update the certificate status to Not required.


This change can be made by an admin, the approver, or someone with the appropriate Access rights (edit rights).


Have a great day!





I’m an admin, and I don’t see a document status drop down. How can I access that?

Hey @Moni 


As an admin, you should be able to see this option, as long as a cert is required for the Type of Absence and the same is missing.


Please feel free to contact support if you need further help on this, the team will be more than happy to give your account a look on this.





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