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Under the “absences” category of a member one can view the total remaining holidays, which is the number of holidays neither taken nor planned. This number unfortunately does not seem to be available as a column option in the members list, though. Is there a way to show remaining holidays in the members list directly?

Dear @Azury_JO,

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

To clarify: Is this the value that you are mentioning?

Employee profile > Absences > Absence Balance

Thank you in advance for your response!



Dear Andrea, thank you very much! My actual name is Janosch, by the way.

And yes, that’s exactly what I was refering to. I’m using the german version, so it’s a bit harder for me to specifically name things correctly here.

Dear Janosch (@Azury_JO),

Thank you for your patience. I tried out creating a custom report and managed to obtain the value you mentioned through the column nAbsence type] - balance (days):


Custom reports 

It is important that the report type “point in time” is chosen as well as today’s date, for the correct value to be shown. If you need some guidance in how to create a custom report, please visit the following help center articles:

→ Create custom report

→ Best practice: Custom reports

Please let me know if this information was helpful for you, or if there is any other question I can support you with.

I wish you a lovely day 🌻.



Dear Andrea,

I just realized you wrote an answer in the meantime after getting a notification today. Thank you very much for the suggested solution, I will try that!

Hi @Azury_JO,

About the notifications:
I marked @Andrea’s comment as a “Best Answer” yesterday, which triggered the email “A "Best Answer" has been selected for a question you follow. ✅

You should have also gotten an email on 29 November when her comment was initially posted. You may have missed it? If that’s not the case, let me know.

Anyway, I am happy that the solution should work for you :)

If you have any other questions, we’re always happy to help!


@Daniele Yes, there has actually been a “You were mentioned in a post” notification on 29 Nov that I must have missed.

It seems I am not allowed to create reports at this time, so I’ll talk to our personio administrator.

Thanks again for your help!

Unfortunately enabling reports for me would also grant access to employee data I am not supposed to have access to, so it seems I cannot use this method at this time. I’ll have to resort to checking team members individually then.

Maybe you could forward adding holidays remaining to the general column options as a feature request to the development team.

Thank you for your help!


Hi @Azury_JO,

I have good news then: your administrator can actually give you access to a specific custom report of choice, so there is no risk of you getting access to forbidden data.

If your admin creates a custom report and shares it with you, you will be able to view and export the custom report at any time, but you will not be able to edit it.

How to share a custom report (for admins)

The admin shall follow these steps to share a custom report via the Sharing Options window:

  • Go to Reports > Custom Reports > rThe report of your choice] > Sharing options.
    • Enter the name of the employee you want to share the report with.
  • Click on the search result. The employee will then be added to the Sharing options window. You can repeat this process as many times as needed. 
  • Click on Save changes to effectively share the custom report with the employees listed in the Sharing options windowEmployees will not receive a notification when a report is shared with them. sharing-options-modal_en-us.png


The full instructions can be found in the following Help Center Article: Give your Employees Access to Custom Reports under the dropdown: Share Custom Reports via the Sharing Options Window.


Would that solve this for you?
Let us know if you have any more questions!


Thanks, Daniele, that did actually work! I now have that single custom report available to get a quick overview of remaining holidays in my team. 👍

I might have celebrated too early. Getting a custom report did work fine, but it still only shows me the info that is also available for the columns, it seems. As I understand it the vacation balance (“Kontostand” in german) is days that have not been taken yet, but days planned are not substracted from that number. Is that correct? What I am looking for is days neither planned nor taken, that are available to be planned, like shown in the absence panel. Did we do something wrong?

 Hi @Azury_JO,

thanks for getting back on this detailed but important information. 

You are correct, the “Kontostand” is the current balance that is still remaining. 
→ Isn’t that what you initially wanted? 

I am happy to show the different options that you could pull in a report in German and English from my Demo Account: 





You could also request the data at the end of a period (eg. 31.12.23) if you want to estimate the carry over amount of your team at the end of the year for example. :) 

Is this helpful? 

Dear Lena,

this is the difference in the requested and offered information I am talking about:


Vacation days entitlement - days taken


Requested info:
Vacation days entitlement - days taken - days planned


Here is an example screenshot (as was appropriately shown in the one posted by Andrea a month ago):

In the employee list as well as the suggested custom report the number of days in balance is shown as 28 for this employee, since days planned are not substracted.

Dear @Azury_JO,

I am really sorry for answering just now to your post. Happy to jump in again in the discussion. Is this topic still an issue? If so, does this happen only for this particular employee, or are others also affected?

Thanks for your response.



Dear Andrea,

also sorry for my late reply, I just noticed yours.

The issue is the same, as it is unresolved. The idea is that I’d like to get this info in a glimpse on the list of my team members. I can still do that by looking into each employees details, but that’s of course a lot more potentially unnecessary clicks. So it’s just a convenience thing, but it would be fantastic if the info mentioned could be added to the column options in a future update.

Thanks for your help!


Dear @Azury_JO

Ok, I understand why having this information on the employee list would be helpful. Would you mind sharing this feature insight in our ideation area? This way it can be voted by other users, and it will be forwarded to our product team. 

Thank you very much 😊.

Have a lovely start in to the week.



Ah, thanks for pointing out the ideation area, will do that!

Wishing you the same!


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