Hello there
I do encounter this behavior when using the Personio UI in my Browser.
I will try to explain myself in a detailed manner:
As I am a lazy person, I do fill out my Personio Attendence only once a month. Therefore I go to the Personio UI in my Webbrowser and got to attendence. Then I select the first day of the month to add my worktime and breaktime and press "Save". Now the first day has a proper entry and shows three dots on top of the container. Clicking on these 3 dots give two options: 1. Copy Hours 2. Delete Day. If I press on Copy Hours I can copy the first day of the month to the entire month without the need of typing my worktime manually everyday.
Now this is what I have been doing for quite some time without running into any issues. But then one day I decided to take vacation after I already "autofilled" the month. So the day I wanted to take vacation on was already booked with worktime and my vacation time was also booked on the same day.
Personio allows to take vacation on a day where work time is also set without giving any error message or warning.
The weird thing is that it then counts as extra hours of work.
There should be some sort of system preventing this from happening in my opinion.
I hope this clarifies what issue I encounter.