We have set up overtime as per option 3. Calculation of Overtime Based on Daily Working Hours (With Deficit Hours). https://support.personio.de/hc/en-us/articles/115000671865-Set-up-overtime. Which means that the deficit hours will be automatically recorded for days with time tracked. This way, every time the employee registers fewer hours than they should on a workday, their overtime hours will be automatically recalculated.
I understand that there is an option to convert overtime into time off (https://support.personio.de/hc/en-us/articles/115000724605-Manage-Overtime) which you can do through the Overtime & Deficit time widget. However, I don’t think this is necessary if you have set up your Overtime as per option 3? It will just automatically adjust if no hours are recorded on a working day.
My question: is my understanding correct? There is no need for me to convert the overtime for employees into comp time.