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English translation: 

Good afternoon, 

I have several issues with the generated overtime hours:

  1. Is it possible to apply a daily minimum of hours to the accrual policy so that it begins to count as overtime? in our company it is established from 0.5 h.
  1. Is it possible to add an expiration to those overtime hours in the accrual policy, which is not a specific date, but for example 6 months? after that time they would be automatically deducted from the counter and would also be reflected in the history. (Marked by Spanish legislation)
  1. And an annual maximum of paid overtime? (It is marked by Spanish legislation.)
  1. When a worker is given permission to choose whether he wants to validate the overtime generated as vacation or paid, can't it be avoided that he can change the conversion factor?

I look forward to your comments.

Thank you very much in advance.

All the best!


Spanish Version:

Buenas tardes,

tengo varias cuestiones con el tema de las horas extras generadas:

  1. ¿No es posible aplicar en la política de devengos un mínimo diario de horas para que comience a contar como horas extra? en nuestra empresa está establecido a partir de 0,5 h.
  2. ¿No se puede añadir en la política de devengos una caducidad a esas horas extra, que no sea una fecha concreta, sino por ejemplo de 6 meses? pasado ese tiempo se descontarían automáticamente del contador y también quedaría reflejado en el histórico. (Marcado por la legislación española)ç
  3. ¿y un máximo anual de horas extra retribuidas? (lo marca la legislación española.)
  4. Cuando a un trabajador se le da permiso para que elija si las horas extras generadas las quiere convalidar como vacaciones o retribuídas, ¿no se puede evitar que pueda acceder a cambiar el factor de conversión?

Quedo atenta a vuestros comentarios.

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Un saludo!!


Hello @MDB

Thank you very much for contacting the community and sharing your questions. To keep the transparency with the rest of the International community, I have translated your question to English, and post the answer also in English. :blush:

Regarding the points that you mention

1. It is currently not possible to apply a daily minimum of hours to the accrual balance. But you can set a monthly amount of hours that do not apply as overtime. This you can do it in the settings of the specific schedule. 



2. Is it currently not possible to mark an expiration date to overtime hours.

3. You can not mark an annual maximum of paid overtime, but when you can select the amount of hours you would like to pay out. This way, you can convert only the maximum amount required by the Spanish legislation.



4. If you give an employee editing writes to the Attendance section, he/she will be able to edit everything including the conversion factor. So If this is not intended, I would recommend only giving View or Propose rights to this section. 

As this request addresses a few settings that do not yet exist in Personio, please go to our dedicated Ideation Area for the wishes and ideas you may have. Over there you can:

  • view previously submitted ideas and discuss them with other Personio users

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We will review your ideas, comment on them, and forward them to our Product Development team who might include them in our planning for the further development of Personio.

You can also find here a short tutorial on how you submit an idea and which information is necessary so that our product experts and the community have all the information they need.

If we can help you with anything else, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts with our Community!


Greetings from Madrid, 


Maria Laura

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