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I looked the follow post but I am still confused how to achieve what I want

We have a lot of part-time employees. Now most of them do not work full days and generally we do not care about on which days they work, we just care about their monthly/annual hours worked.


So in practice I just spread out the hours over the work week in the work schedule, with more hours on Thursdays since this is the day we all work in the office together.


So f.e. the 10% aka 4h per week work schedule is

Mon: 30min

Tue: 30min

Wed: 30min

Thu: 30min

Fri: 30min


But I think this messes up the vacation days.


We offer 25 days of vacation per year and our work week is 40h, so conversely someone working 10% should have 2.5 days, or 20h of vacation. But they end up with the full 25 days.

I did enable pro-ration on the entitlement as stated here:

Hi @lsmith,

thank you for sharing your question with the Personio Community. 

Personio does not calculate the prorated vacation days based on hours, but on days per week. 

So even though an employee only works half an hour a day, but five days a week, and your vacation days are on a five days per week base, the employee will receive the full amount of vacation days. The only difference here is that one vacation day, in this example, is only worth 0.5 hours instead of 8 hours. To make it a bit more clear, with this calculation, every employee receives the same amount of weeks vacation regardless of their employment type. This calculation matches (as far as I know) the regulations of the most European countries. 

I hope this makes the logic in Personio a bit more clear.

Have a great day


Ok I need to double-check with our legal advisors if our concept of annual work hours and vacation hours is acceptable in Swiss law. If so, I would come back with a feature request. In the meantime, I will adjust the work schedules in consultation with our team.

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