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What keeps you motivated?

  • 21 August 2024
  • 2 replies
What keeps you motivated?

Hello everyone! 😀

As we all continue to enjoy some much-needed vacation time (yes, lounging around the house counts), it’s hard not to get a bit reflective.

You know those moments in between hanging out with friends or waiting on that flight to a holiday you’ve been soooo excited about - when you just can’t help but get a bit “I wonder...” about things? 

Well, while waiting on a train here in London, I had one of those pesky moments.

I wondered, “what keeps me motivated at work?” This is an increasingly important question facing both employers and the employees they’re trying to retain. It’s reflected in the results of Personio’s Workforce Pulse, a study bringing together perspectives from 12,500 workers around the world.

You can grab your copy here on August 28th to learn more about why retention is such a hot button issue right now (and why holding on to talented workers might be getting harder). 

Anyway, after some thinking, I realised that the friends I make at work are a high priority for me. I love my teammates and I enjoy working with them - that makes me want to stay!

I’m big on team sports and often find myself giving so much more effort (in, say, a game of pick-up basketball) if I get along with my teammates. 

What makes you want to keep giving your all at work? What is it about a workplace that makes you go “I could see myself here for a looong time”?​​

PS: Look out for a more detailed breakdown of insights from this study coming soon 👀

You can look up the 3Ps @Moe 

Play - it needs to be fun/enjoyable - maybe not every second of every day but overall the balance needs to be that you do enjoy what you do.

Purpose - there’s an impact greater than just fulfilling the role - ie the famous ‘janitor helping to put a man on the moon’

Potential - you can see a future - opportunity, development, ability to be your best

Under Play you can have so many things - often people would refer to company/team culture.

You can have a great purpose, great potential but if it is not Fun/Enjoyable you won’t stay.

Caveat - with reality - if there are not many jumps where you live and you have lots of other dependencies then you may choose to work at your nearest employer - but you might not be engaged in the work. But you might not have the ease to be able to move to another employer with greater Play, Pupose or is somewhat biases to roles that are more geographically mobile.

Good Question! 


I think it various things for me. My work ethic and the fact I never want to let my team down or feel like they are picking up my slack is a big one for me. I also take regular breaks throughout the working day to help keep me focussed and  decompress between tasks, I find this helps me stay motivated to keep going. 


There definitely needs to be a joy in what you do to keep you motivated, whether that is the money you make, the day to day work, or the environment you work in, without some form of joy, I don’t think you can ever be motivated. 

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