Note: You may have been redirected here if you tried to access content that is not available in the community anymore. For content questions, please use the “Ask the Community”-button on the top right.
Dear Community,
When we first launched the Ideation area in the community, we couldn’t foresee how participation would evolve. Over the last 3 years, we have received a high volume of valuable contributions, and we want to thank you for those creative suggestions, solutions, and practical feedback. Your engagement is important to us and has contributed significantly to improving and evolving our products in ways that we hope has made your day-to-day work a little easier.
Revision of Ideation and the ‘give feedback’ feature
As our community has continued to grow and flourish, so has the volume of ideas and feedback you’ve shared with us. We recognize that with the increased number of submissions, it has become more challenging to fully address and update the community on each contribution. To better honor your valuable feedback and ensure it continues to help shape our product development, we’ve decided to upgrade our existing feedback collection system with an improved approach that more closely aligns with your daily work within Personio and our product teams’ workflows. This will allow your insights to make an even bigger impact on the future of the product.
What you can expect
We have released a ‘give feedback’ feature, through which you can directly share your feedback and ideas while working within Personio. Your contributions are then routed to the right teams.
You can find the ‘give feedback’ feature in the left menu in Personio:

Starting on September 1st, new Ideation posts in the Community are disabled because Product Managers are receiving the ideas and feedback submitted through the ‘give feedback’ feature instead. From September 10th onwards, when you attempt to access ideas you will be redirected to this announcement post.
Moving forward, the ‘give feedback’ feature is how you can share your feedback and ideas with us year round. Existing ideas previously shared through Ideation have already been carefully captured and translated into the new system, where they will continue to shape and refine our products.
Ideation Hackathons
We are also planning to host Ideation Hackathons. These hackathons will be exciting opportunities to co-create with our Design and Product Management teams and facilitate a deeper discussion about the top ideas submitted via the ‘give feedback’ feature. This collaboration will help shape new innovative solutions, and we’re excited about partnering with you on that!
While we have a plan regarding what these Hackathons could look like in practice, we want to include you in this process and will be inviting a group of community members to help us finalize the design and function of the hackathons in the coming months. We are really looking forward to these more in-depth events and plan to share more information with you as we get closer to the first event.
Staying Informed
In addition to improving how we route your feedback and ideas to product teams, we also want to make sure you can stay informed about what we are currently developing and thinking about. As part of this effort, we will begin hosting ‘What’s new with Personio’ webinars to give sneak peeks into upcoming and current product releases. If you’re interested in joining our first event, you are invited to sign up here!
We look forward to continuing this work together!
Your Community & Product Teams