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Dear Community, 

for our Holiday message, we asked some of our customers at H.U.G in October and our CEO Hanno what they are most thankful for this year. Check out the full video here:



At Personio, we look back on a very eventful year.
We are infinitely grateful for so many events and opportunities:

  • that we were able to meet again at the office.
  • that we are now more than 1,000 Personios.
  • that our Culture Week could take place in September and that we had the opportunity to all meet in Person and dive deeper into our company culture and our values.
  • that our H.U.G event in October was a great success and that we could finally meet so many of you live again
  • that we were able to launch People Workflow Automation and we can now support you even better in your daily work
  • and so much more!

But we are especially thankful for you - all our customers and community members. You are the reason why Personio exists at all.

We thank you for your trust, your loyalty, the exchange with you and your continuous feedback!


...And what are you grateful for this year? 
Let us know in a comment below!

Your Community Team

It has been - again - a really challenging, interesting and fun year! 

I am thankful for the opportunity we had to have some offline events again, being able to work with such great colleagues (such as you @Daniele :heart_eyes::hugging: ) and a healthy year 2021! 


Looking forward to 2022 - with even more customer events, fun activities at Personio and a couple of sport highlights! :dizzy:


This year I am especially thankful that my family and friends are healthy and that I had the chance to join the wonderful community team. 

I enjoy our work atmosphere and it’s so much fun every day! Next to this, I love to support our customers here in the community and the creation of entertaining content.

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