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Hi Community,

Let’s all sing: “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Personio, happy birthday to you!”

Today on August 18th, Personio celebrates its birthday! 🎊🎉

When it comes to birthdays, you usually always reflect on the past: What have been the unforgettable moments of the past year and what are you most proud of? At the same time, celebrating a birthday also means welcoming the new year and setting goals and wishes.

Today, however, we want to celebrate with you by getting your creative juices flowing. We have prepared a little riddle, which is hidden under "Show content". Crack the riddle and celebrate this special day together with us here in the Community. 🔍


Here's how to play

1️⃣ First, take a look at the riddle:



2️⃣ Ready to find out what's behind the letters? Then jump right in and unravel the mystery here in the comment section. Guess the missing letters and share your answers.

3️⃣ The solution will be shared here in the comment section on September 8th.

I'm excited to see what you all come up with and look forward to reading all your guesses! 🤩


Have fun solving the riddle and have a lovely weekend,

Let’s celebrate the eighth birthday of Personio. Happy Birthday Personio :)

Hey @CPPL33 👋

Lovely to see the first participations. 🥳 
Do we have some more riddle-solvers in the Community that want to give it a try?
Maybe @JorgeQuibim @Bojana @Wendy @tomblake 🔎

Looking forward to all or your guesses!

It looks like @CPPL33 already solved the riddle ;) 

Yeah, @CPPL33 was the fastest one! Congrats! 


Let’s celebrate the eighth birthday of Personio. Happy Birthday Personio! 

I would go with the same one as @CPPL33 and @JorgeQuibim 😁

Also, me and Personio have close birth dates, mine is August 19th 😊

Happy belated birthday Personio 💫

p.s. I hope the 🎂 was delicious 😋

Good morning everyone☀️

Thank you all for your guesses! The solution will be revealed on September 8th.🤪
@Bojana, how amazing! A happy belated birthday to you as well! 🎉


Hi everyone,

I would like to thank you all for your guesses and for celebrating Personio's birthday with us here in the Community. 🎉

The time to unravel the mystery behind the little riddle has come! Just click on "Show Content” to see the solution.


Give yourself a round of applause! 👏👏👏
I am already looking forward to the next challenging game and your participation here in the Community.

Have a lovely weekend and best regards,

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