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Dear Community,

You might have already noticed that since some days ago, most of your inquiries are answered by our @International Support TeamThis is because our amazing support teams are now in charge of sharing their knowledge whenever you need support or have a question about Personio. 🧠💫. 


👉🏼 Why the support team is answering product inquiries in the Community

As this is already their daily business, support teams are much better trained to answer and assist you with any question you might have about our product.

This is also a common practice for communities that become as big as our Personio Community.


➡️ Does this change anything within the Community?

Not at all. You don’t need to change the way you post or support other users in the Community. The answers to your questions will probably only become more valuable in terms of content. :)


🤔 In what cases should I post my questions in the Community, and when should I open a support ticket instead?

  • Community inquiry:

The Community area is meant for any question you have about our product, such as topics related to your settings, best practices, or questions from employees using Personio.

Many questions have already been answered within the support area of our platform, so make sure you search for your question before posting it!

The Community is a place for anyone to publish inquiries, no matter if the person is an account or contract owner, or even if they already use Personio. 

  • Support inquiry:

Because of this, to best protect the private data saved in your account, it makes sense to open a support ticket if your question is something that has to be checked in your account, for example, for system errors or complex settings for which precise details are needed. 

In these cases, the support team will advise you to open a support ticket for your inquiry. This can be done by accessing Find Answersthus, only by account and contract owners

💪🏼 We encourage users to share their knowledge with each other by answering each other’s inquiries, such as our role models@Volvic,@Vida,@Jorge Salazar,@JHBEM,@AbdoulABBA. ​​​ 

As users, you can share creative solutions and best practices with each other that are sometimes even more suitable and creative than our solutions.


👯 What is the Community team focusing on?

We are of course also keeping an eye on your inquiries and helping the support team with this transition. Furthermore, we are focusing on making the Community an even greater place for you to:

  • Find all relevant and interesting topics regarding Personio and HR
  • Have fun and enjoy spending time within the Community
  • Aiming to give you the feeling of belonging in your and our HR Community
  • Being the place you find your answers to questions about Personio
  • Improving our communication with you and with our product team
  • Ensuring high quality standards
  • And many more exciting things 🤩

We are looking forward to making our Community a place you enjoy being in. We wish you lots of fun within it 🥳!


International Support Team have been great, special shoutout to Conor! 

This is an excellent initiative for quickly resolving doubts or issues with the platform.

Nice job to the Personio Team


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