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Welcome to the Community - you’ve made it! 🎉

  • 1 April 2021
  • 0 replies
Welcome to the Community - you’ve made it! 🎉

Well hello there! 👋 

A hearty welcome to you from the Voyager Community! 🤩

Look, I’m a little biassed here, but you’ve definitely just stumbled across the best HR community on the planet. Yes, really! 😱

You’ve also just taken the first big step towards growing your industry knowledge and network of peers. 

This community is about three things:

  1.  Shaping the future of the HR world with you.
  2.  Supporting you in your work with Personio.
  3. Improving HR processes with you and thus further developing Personio as a product, together. 

Sure, we’ve got exclusive training content, dazzling events, and other ways to learn from each other. However, we’ll also be meeting each other in person, getting to know each other better via casual chats, and all-around just having a swell time 🥳.

Right, I’ve rambled enough (for now), let’s get into how the Community is organised:

🚀 Community Base

Whoa there, guv! 🛑 Before you get going on being the excellent community member we know you’re going to be, you’ll want to check out this section. It’s got answers to all your questions, including how to make your very first post!

🤔 Support Area 
This is your go-to area for Personio topics. Here, you can ask all of your support questions and maybe even show off your product knowledge by answering some!

🧠 HR Think Tank
Discuss general, operational or strategic HR topics with fellow professionals in the community. Got some thoughts about the industry that’ll blow our minds? Share them here!

🆕 Product Hub
Read up on the latest news about our product. You can also learn about (and contribute your own) best practice ideas. Oh, and if you’ve got some feedback, this is where you can share it with our Product Experts! 

💡 Ideation
Got an idea for a feature in mind? Look at you, with that big HR brain of yours! Well, you can share your clever ideas for new product features in our Ideation corner. (Note: this section is only visible to Personio customers who are currently logged in to the community)

📅 Event Calendar

Looking to learn more about the Personio platform? Perhaps you’d like to meet other community members in person? Check out our event calendar for updates on informative webinars and fun in-person events!

As if all of that wasn’t great enough, there's even more! 🎉Head on over to our introductions thread and meet your fellow Community members. Comment and let us know:

  1. where you’re based, 
  2. what your job is and 
  3. what you like to do in your down time (aka when you’re not putting out metaphorical fires left and right 🔥😩) 

In fact, let’s make this more interesting…

When you get to the thread, let me know you’ve read to this point by sharing an emoji of your favourite animal 👀


Once again, welcome to the Community!

Moe and your Voyager Community Team

(Last Update 17th July, 2024)

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