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How can i hide one of the preset fields under employee information?

  • 22 November 2021
  • 2 replies

I am trying to hide the gender field under employee information. We don't think the options provided are sufficient to cover the wide spectrum of gender currently available in the society. 

I am aware you can not edit but is there a way to hide it all together so I can create another field instead of the three preset options. 

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +23

Hello @Wairimu,
Welcome to the Community and thank you for reaching out with your question!

First of all, thank you for your feedback, I will pass it on to our Diversity Committee.

Here’s some background information regarding your topic: in Personio’s predefined “gender” attribute, employees can choose between “Male”, “Female”, “Diverse” (aka “other”), and also “Undefined” if they’d choose not to disclose their gender at all. 

As you said correctly, preset attributes cannot be edited. That’s because they are linked to a specific functionality in Personio, which I will explain further down.

Anyway, you can still choose to “hide” the preset gender attribute from the public profile by moving it to a non-public section, for example “HR Information” or similar. 
You can then create a new attribute (and call it e.g. “Gender” or “Gender (public)” and personalize the attribute type to your liking, e.g. list of options, or even standard if you want your employees to type in whatever they like.  You can then move the new custom-made gender attribute back to the Public profile Section.

Do you use Document Templates in Personio? If you do, please keep in mind that the preset “gender” attribute can be used to address the employee with the correct pronoun (he/she/they/they) when you create a Document. For more information about this feature, check out this Help Center Article
Having said that, you could also choose to hide the attribute entirely by moving it to a section that is only visible for admins (and not visible for the employees nor HR) but then your team wouldn’t be able to use the gender variables when using Document Templates, as described above.
If you do want to keep using this feature, I would recommend having two “versions” of the gender attribute: your personalized one for the Public profile, and the preset one which in this case would only be visible for HR.

Was this helpful for you? Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions! 


Userlevel 4
Badge +13

FYI: we put this also under a section only visible for admins called “Attributes hidden” as “Undefined” didn’t feel as an appropriate option for us. We wanted to have “Other” and created a new one.

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