Best Practice l Birthday Reminders Visibility

  • 8 October 2021
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Dear community,


Do some of your employees cringe at the thoughts of their colleagues being reminded of their birthday, while others love it? Personally, I love it, but here’s what you can do in your Personio account to cater for both!


  1. Create a new Attribute

    • Go to Settings > Employee Information

    • Choose a section of your choice (e.g Personal Info, if All employees have the ‘View’ - ‘Own ‘and ‘All’ access right) and click on Add Attribute. Choose the ‘List of options’ attribute type with Yes/No options for your employees to answer. Here’s an example below;

    • oDAcZ-evgwiFm6Gf7xK5SwebZL4TwEy_i0B_O_aB-3_SWmAlS_riGfPMfAwqJy557L664Dm4RJwadWnxMozjvfvKKcvVsJEyAeY610HSjyEcqbSRb1XwMD4bwyxehscWeLMSej06=s0

    • Ensure that the ‘Birthday’ date attribute is in a section which All employees have the ‘View’ - ‘Own ‘and ‘All’ access right in Employee Roles settings. You can update this attribute to only show the Date and Month;B8jXWyrZSWUqzgVeUrLcECAuO6XUws9r2vTpydV3JxFKd0-0ODtc0el_bTBEEsuUnWWkKD350Jb6QP6Lle1pA56yrggLFfRE_HufCeOudwYHMkdwuBrXWkmk7I2in5TjuVjGROVL=s0


  1. Create Access Rule

    • ​​​​​​​Go to Settings > Employee Roles > All Employees > Calendar

    • Click on the Birthdays drop-down field and select Custom > Edit Custom Rules. Set this new attribute name to filter ‘equals’ ‘Yes’;

    • Note that at this point, no employees will be able to view other colleagues' birthdays, until their field is updated to ‘Yes’. 



  1. Update the fields

    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lastly, update the Attribute field in the employee accounts. To do this, I would suggest one of the following;

    • If your employees have ‘Propose’ or ‘Edit’ Own rights to the section where the attribute is saved (check this in Settings > Employee Roles > All Employees > Access Rights > Personal Data), they can fill in the answer themselves.

    • Alternatively, you could complete an Employee Data Import, using just the column for ‘Email’ and a second column for your new attribute and Yes/No answers for each.


Let me know what you think of this idea, or if it is something you have already implemented on your account?


I’m looking forward to the discussion!


Kind regards from Dublin,



4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Top tip: If you are using the On-/Offboarding section for new employees, you could create this as an onboarding step and add it to your new starter’s onboarding template. To set this up, please do the following:

  1. Go to Settings > On-/Offboarding > Steps > New. Select type ‘Text Information’ first to give instructions to your employees. Create a second step within it, using the ‘Employee Attribute’ type. Eg:


  1. Go to Templates and add this step to your new starter’s onboarding template.
  2. When a new employee starts, assign them the template as usual and they can fill this in at your chosen timeframe.

Let me know if this would be useful for you!


Kind regards,

Laura :sunflower:

Hi there, 

can it be changed that people receive birthday reminders for their own birthdays? When selecting direct or my reports, they do receive a reminder for their own birthday :D


Thank you!

Can it be customized for the Personio integration with Slack?

I followed this idea, but it looks like the Personio app doesn’t respect that rule. 

Userlevel 6

Hey @Carlos C. 

As mentioned in our helpcenter article on Slack, there is an ability to be updated of anyone celebrating their birthday. 


Unfortunately there isn’t more customisable features to choose to be updated days before a birthday, but instead it will update you on the day someone is celebrating their birthday. You can of course post any feedback into our Ideation Area to highlight a possible improvement to the feature for our Product Team.

If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Best regards, 


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