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Need to give several HR team members ability to create login for new employees. I have created a new role which is not an ADMIN, but has access to many objects, including the “EDIT” rights for adding new employees.

For some reason this person can add new employees and create login then (by ticking the “Create Personio login and send invitation email” box), but cannot do so later.

We like to create the user and add information before giving them access. Hence we do the configuration first then send invite. This HR user even sees this link to create, but then receives the subsequent message: 

Where is this permission defined in the employee roles area?

Hello @Tommy A

Thank you very much for sharing your questions with the community. :grinning:

In you want to give access to an Employee to invite other employees to Personio and send them emails for password resets, you can give them access through their respective Employee Role in Manage accounts> Edit> All. 



Please have in mind that only admins have the right to change users passwords. If this is the setting that you have and it was working before, but it is not working anymore, could you please unassign and assign again the role to the employee? 


I hope this was helpful for you, please let us know the outcome or if there is anything else we can help you with. 


Best regards from Madrid, 


-Maria Laura

@Maria Laura Arauco ¡Gracias por tu respuesta!

Saludos desde Hamburgo.


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