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Hallo zusammen, 


ich möchte für einen Mitarbeiter eine Mitarbeiterrolle erstellen, wo ich unter den Zugriffsrechten unter Abwesenheit - Urlaub und Gleittage in der Rubrik Anzeigen auf individuell gehe und unter Bedingung - Position Ist Techniker eingebe und noch zwei andere Positionsbezeichnungen und dann kann der MA nicht die Abwesenheit ansehen. 

Wenn ich nur eine Position hinterlege funktioniert es! Was mach ich falsch? Falsch geschrieben ist nichts und dennoch geht es nicht.


Das gleiche Problem habe ich, wenn ich ein Bericht erstelle für eine Führungskraft, wo ich auch die Bedingung Position auswähle von verschiedenen Mitarbeitenden und dann geht es auch nicht. Bei einer Position schon. 


Könnt ihr mir helfen? 

Hello everyone,

I would like to create an employee role for an employee, where I go to individual under the access rights under Absence - Leave and flex days in the Display section and under Condition - Position is technician and enter two other position descriptions and then the employee cannot view the absence.

If I only enter one position, it works! What am I doing wrong? Nothing is written incorrectly and yet it doesn't work.

I have the same problem when I create a report for a manager, where I also select the condition Position from different employees and then it doesn't work either. It does for one position.

Can you help me?

Hi @Nadja_HANSA,

The condition filter doesn’t currently work in that way. If the Attribute type is General text, we cannot add several texts because the system might look for an employee who has the three positions at the same time and I guess employees in your organisation have just one position. However, if you select an Attribute type List of options, for example, Office, you can see that you can select some of them at the same time and the condition would be, let’s say, London (or) Dublin (or) Munich, so all employees from London, Dublin and Munich would be included. 

Maybe you can try to enter it in the other way around, Position (does not equal) and add the positions you are not looking for and create one condition its time. Or you can also add a new Attribute to the Employee information that helps you work around with the conditions. 

For more information about this topic, you can visit our Help Center articles: 

I hope this helps! 😃 Please let me know if you have further questions, even you can share more details or screenshots (always covering sensitive data as this is a public space)!
I have translated your post to English, since this platform is used by users from different countries. Make sure to share any post in English so that others can answer your questions, take part in your discussions and upvote your ideas 😊

P.S. If you rather communicate in German, make sure to visit our DACH Community, where this is the official language.

I wish you a lovely day! 🙌🏼



Thanks! 🙂 Have a nice day. 

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