Hi @Jordan_McCullough
Thank you so much for your question! Regarding the reminders, you are correct. Currently you are only able to set them with a yearly frequency. If you would like to request this as new feature, I would suggest you to our Ideation Area for the wishes and ideas of our customers. Over there you can:
view previously submitted ideas and discuss them with other Personio users
upvote and add to the ideas of other users
search the community for similar ideas or requests
share your own ideas or requests about our tool
We will review your ideas, comment on them, and forward them to our Product Development team who might include them in our planning for the further development of Personio.
I hope there are other customers that can share any other workaround for what you are asking!
Let us know if we can be of any help. Happy Friday!
Maria Laura
Hi @Maria Laura Arauco
Thanks for coming back to me on this.
Fantastic, I’ll raise an idea case for this.
Happy Friday !!! 
Thank you so much @Jordan_McCullough!
We will let you know as soon as there is any feedback regarding your idea 
Kindest regards,