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Hello Personio Community,


We are growing exponentially and of course want to maintain or develop our good culture. How do you combat rapid growth vs. loss of culture?

Hallo Personio Community,


Wir wachsen exponentiell und möchten natürlich unsere gute Kultur erhalten bzw. weiterentwickeln. Wie steuert ihr gegen schnelles Wachstum vs. Kulturverlust an?


Dear @Agnieszka,

Welcome to our Community!

I have translated your post to English, since this platform is used by users from different countries. Make sure to share any post in English so that others can answer your questions, take part in your discussions and upvote your ideas 😊.

P.S. If you rather communicate in German, make sure to visit our DACH Community, where this is the official language.

I wish you a lovely day!



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