
How to Get More of That “Wellbeing” in Employee Wellbeing? 😊💡

  • 4 March 2024
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How to Get More of That “Wellbeing” in Employee Wellbeing? 😊💡
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Hi there Community, 👋

we welcome the new week and the beginning of March with one of the most important topics, and that is employee wellbeing

We all know that when you feel "well", depending on the definition, you simply feel healthier, you feel more productive, you have more energy and much more. It is therefore all the more important for companies and HR to promote precisely this. The scope for this varies from company to company.

Sounds great right, but how do you get more of that “wellbeing”?
Now, before we dive into the discussion, let's first define the multi-layered term "wellbeing" in more detail. One approach to understanding the aspects of wellbeing is to divide wellbeing into different 'pillars'. This can include mental, physical, financial and social wellbeing. Let's take a closer look at each of these areas, how they impact the work environment and create a foundation for employee wellbeing.


🧠 Mental Wellbeing

Nurturing or promoting mental wellbeing in the workplace is essential, not only for employee retention, but also for performance. This starts with the company’s culture, leadership, and communication with employees.
Check out this post in the Community, to dive deeper into the topic! 

💪 Physical Wellbeing

This type of wellbeing is strongly linked to the others - if you are physically well, this can have an impact on all other types. At work, this can include encouraging healthy eating, proper hydration, and plenty of breaks from sitting throughout the day (i.e. walking meetings etc.)

🫰 Financial Wellbeing

This is not just about salaries and wages, although fair pay is of course also important. Benefits also play an important role, as they enable employees to be financially "healthier". Let’s list a few in the comments below! 

👥 Social Wellbeing

Whether in the office, fully remote or hybrid, fostering social wellbeing is critical to employee engagement, productivity and satisfaction. The challenge here is to create workplaces that build meaningful relationships and bridges between teams.


All of these dimensions are equally important. If one aspect declines, it automatically affects the others. For example, think of how the social or financial factor can affect mental wellbeing or how mental wellbeing affects the body (and vice versa).


💡You may remember that some time ago there was already an article in the Community on the subject of "Employee Wellbeing". Feel free to take another look and use the article as another knowledge source. You can also find more in our HR lexicon.

How do you promote employee wellbeing? Feel free to refer to the areas above. If there are any aspects you would like to add, just write them in the comments. I look forward to the discussion!


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