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South America

💥 HR discussion: From your point of view, how do you manage diversity in multicultural teams?

  • 6 December 2023
  • 1 reply
💥 HR discussion: From your point of view, how do you manage diversity in multicultural teams?

Hi Community,

After starting our voyage around the world in North America, our next stop is the continent right next door: 💫 South America

The continent is characterised by native/ indigenous traditions, European influences and immigration from all other parts of the world. South America's fascinating cultural diversity is reflected in the variety of music, food, religious practices and other forms of cultural expressions.

The different languages are a good example of the cultural diversity in the region. Although Spanish is spoken and understood in most South American countries, there are also many indigenous languages. In Bolivia, for example, there are over 30 other languages in addition to Spanish. (Source)

Diversity management in multicultural teams

One's own language and cultural traditions are among the things that make us part of a certain culture and define a level of belonging. As a result of the cultural diversity in South America and other regions, multicultural teams have emerged.

When HR consciously uses these different backgrounds and integrates them into the company, e.g. to expand recruiting potential or to reflect the internationalisation of the company internally, this is known as diversity management. Multicultural teams offer many remarkable advantages for companies. Some of them are listed in our HR lexicon:

🤩 More potential candidates
✨ New perspectives that help improve previous ideas and overcome difficult challenges
🙌 Decision-making processes can be optimised


However, benefits only arise when this is put into practice. In the context of cultural diversity in teams, HR departments face the challenge of creating an inclusive and supportive environment.


From your perspective, what measures can be taken for diversity management in multicultural teams? Tell us about your own experience! As always, feel free to share your examples as well.


Participate in our End-of-Year campaign, share your HR knowledge and support a good cause at the same time. 💰 For every comment, we'll put €5 in the money pot!
Find out here which charity we are supporting this year. I'm looking forward to your answers! 

Melissa and the Personio Voyager Community Team

Good morning Community,

@Bojana @Thibaut from Swile @EsterM @Edda van der Ende @mariecharuit have you checked out our second HR discussion for our End-of-Year campaign already? 😊

You can find all the information about our past and upcoming stops on our global voyage right here: we released our HR discussion for Europe🌍

💡 For every comment, we’ll donate €5 to a good cause! 

Have a lovely start to the week,

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