Public Kudos for retention

  • 9 August 2021
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone, 


I was thinking about one way to make some public recognition about the good behaviors. 

For example we would like to highlight and promote a good act for a colleague, give him some ratings stars. 

Do you think is possible?


2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +8

Hello @maria.sabaila

maybe you could add an attribute in the employee information, where you can insert the rating. But I’m not sure if this would be the best solution. Maybe some else does have another idea. :) 

At Personio we use slack for our internal communication and have a slack channel where we can praise each other for such good acts. We can show our affection in the form of emojis and comment on the post. This is an example for such a post (I’ve just censored the names of my colleagues):



Userlevel 6
Badge +18

@maria.sabaila and @Selina 


so the first thing before really doing anything public is to establish an individual’s personal recognition profile.

i.e. - what is their recognition language (like their love-language).


Do they want to be praised in public, do they prefer in private - as an individual or as a team.
@Selina - within Personio I would love to see these personal preferences as a feature of input so a new starter can say - please recognise me publicly or privately.

Then we are recognising someone based on their preference, not a generic approach or by the approach we’d most prefer if it was us being the recipient.

This is something I did at my previous work and created in Workday (custom).
In my new place, working on making it part of the manager and team conversations so that we all appreciate that we like to be recognised (and rewarded for that matter) differently.


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