Risks & Opportunities Management

  • 17 December 2021
  • 1 reply

Hey all, I am Athina, Talent Manager at Tractable.

A question for discussion to the group here, how do you understand and act on risks & opportunities for your team members?
After recently moving to Personio, we are excited as a team to both centralise our people information and automate processed through the platform. We are growing fast at Tractable and looking for ways to make the best use of our platforms, for our various processes, aiming to centralise initiatives on the systems that members are familiar with. That’s how we thought of using Personio to record risks & opportunities of all team members.
At Tractable we are passionate about our people development, from the People team we are working to make sure we enable our people’s growth and they feel happily challenged and evaluated within our company. This is why we run regular performance & growth management 1to1s between our managers and individual members. Part of this process is for the managers to understand potential risks and opportunities of their direct reports. We want to not just record this information but act accordingly, our purpose is to have individual actions both if there is a risk and/or to make sure we grow our talent in their desired path.
After having done this through spreadsheets we were happy to look for other platforms to improve the management experience (and talent management team time) & that’s how we ended up talking with Waleed & Alba (always very helpful) from Personio for the potential on adding this information on Personio. Keen to hear from more members in this group. 

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Userlevel 6
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Hello @athinakar,
Happy New Year! This is a very interesting topic, so Thank You very much for addressing it with the Community.

I am commenting it to give it some more visibility - i’ll also ping some fellow community members to see if they have some ideas or input to share.

@raddenol @Friedrich@Carmen1234@Joanna G.@Rodri@Stephanie@Nicole, and @MarcelZiebold

Everybody else in the Community is also welcome to reply, of course.

All the best,

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