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Dear all,

we connected our personio group calender via MS EntraID / Cronofy and it syncs all approved vacations to the employees calender.


We have two more types of absences that an employee can request: HomeOffice and BusinessTrip. This ones are not synced to the calenders (yet) and we want them to be synced to Outlook calendars in the Status “working elsewhere” and not as a private appointment, but with titels included.


How can we implement this?




Hi ​@stefaneur , 

All absences are displayed as "Absent" and saved in "Private/Confidential" mode, which cannot be changed individually. Additionally, absence types sync according to their category. For instance, remote work entries do not sync to personal calendars because employees working remotely need to appear available to colleagues.
You have the option to transfer these entries by changing their category, but they will be treated like actual absences. This means the benefit of transferring them is lost, as you cannot distinguish between them within the personal company calendar of users. Read more on that here

You are welcome to suggest your great feedback via our feedback function under Help & Feedback > Give feedback. This way it will reach the responsible product team directly.

Best regards,


All absences show as "Absent" and are saved in "Private / Confidential" mode.

Could you tell me for dummies where to set the absence type to “show as absent” ?

There are a lot of Categories, but it does not show which are defined as “absent”.

The objective is to create the absence of “business trips” which also blocks you personal calendar as it does for vacations.

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