Hey @Gururaj Hande,
For iCal links, we unfortunately cannot change the regularity of the sync interval from our side. For Google, it states within this link that it takes up to 12 hour for changes to show in the Calendar.
Therefore, any changes made on the day will not be updated within the Google Calendar until possibly 12 hours later.
I will be happy to answer any further questions you may have
Hi @Gururaj Hande,
We had similar issue when it comes to calendars. Depending on how badly you need this, you may decide to use Personio API directly to fetch fresh data periodically and share an overview on Slack/Teams/email/other (depending on what the relevant channel for this in your case). The snippet bellow is an example of that:
function fetchAbsenceDataCreated(reportStartDate, reportEndDate) {
let responseAbsences = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://api.personio.de/v1/company/time-offs?updated_from=' + reportStartDate + '&updated_to=' + reportEndDate, getAuthOptions())
let absences = JSON.parse(responseAbsences.getContentText()).data
Wow, Thank you for sharing your solution, @Vida 🤩 Community support at its best.