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Hi all! From what I can tell it looks like the automatic translations the Personio iFrame displays seem to depend on the browser language.

That leads to the issue that someone browsing on the German page would see the English translations instead of the German ones (e.g. “Permanent employee” instead of “Festanstellung”) if the user would have their browser set to English.

Is there any way to “force” the iFrame to display a specific language? Then I could display German on the German page for all users, and English on the English page for all users.

Hi @j-p,

it is true that when first visiting the career page, the language is selected by the browser settings, so in your example it can be shown in English. Our Product Team has set this up, as we assume that the browser language is the preferred language of the users.
On the career page it is possible to change the language at the bottom of the page. The next time when visiting the career page it is still the same language as you have left it.

Also on a position level you are able to switch the language as well, if you have a translation available. Since the redesign, all positions are visible on the English and any other languages career page. For every position where you have a translation available you can choose the default language which is shown on the career page.

For the iFrame, I have checked another customers iframe and they have embedded the language selection field at the bottom of their career page as well in their iFrame, see Screenshot:

Like this the candidates can actively switch the language from their Browser language to their preferred one.

Does my answer help you to solve your situation?

Best Regards,

Hi @Lena thanks for responding. While it didn’t solve my problem, it got me in the right direction to achieve what I was looking for - thank you!


For anyone else who wants to “force” a certain language at page-load, you can edit the src URL in your iFrame by adding these parameters:

So instead of 

<iframe id="personio-iframe" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%"></iframe>


Your iframe would be 

<iframe id="personio-iframe" style="border: none;" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

In this case the language would be German until the user changes it, no matter the browser language.

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