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Use case: Workaround for "one on one" notes recording and tracking

  • 14 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi Community 👋 

I initially shared this as a workaround to a fellow Personio Community member in a comment of an existing post and @Daniele suggested it might be more visible as an individual post in case others find it useful. So here it is :)

The described steps below cover the topic on how to enter something like "Supervisor notes" for regular one on ones, additional comments etc. with custom access to all relevant stakeholders (supervisor, HR, employee etc) while also having the historical records for past enties via the "Custom reports" sharing option.

   1. In employee profile we create a section for supervisor notes. This section can contain text boxes, date when the note is written, the name of the person who wrote it, etc.

   2. Edit access to this section is given to the supervisor only for example, this should be customized through roles. For any others you feel are needed like HR or the employee you can assign view rights or, if you choose so, hide it completely. 

   3. Supervisors enter notes in the same fields, practically "rewriting" them each time they have the need to enter notes, whether this is weekly, monthly, etc. Basically, this section will always hold only the last entered values.

   4. In order to view all data, in the "Custom reports" section you should setup a report with these fields from the section as well as set it to "Historical data" timeframe and share it with all the relevant and needed people. 

   5. This will give you a report of all field entries, which for you would mean all notes with dates, text, etc. This also gives an opportunity to download the report in excel and pull some conclusions through analyzing the fields values assuming that some of them would be structured as something other than open text field.

Hope this helps someone!


Thank you for sharing your workaround, @Sanja!

For further reference, here is the related idea from @mira.




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