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Best practice for using Personio across multiple countries

  • 8 March 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi there, 

We recently rolled out Personio in our HQ and are looking at options to use it in our country offices - 3500 staff across around 15 countries. 

Can anyone share their set-up or tips for managing across multiple locations? 


Areas I’m particularly interested in are:

Do you have all countries managed in one Personio account or are they decentralised?

If you manage through one, do the local HR teams modify the settings etc or is that all managed at your HQ?

Have you managed to restrict access for your local HR users so they can’t accidentally modify the settings for everyone?! 

I’d really welcome advice here as I’m trying to visualise how it would all work. Would we be creating a monster if we had everyone in the one instance?! 

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hey @AliceM 

Do you have all countries managed in one Personio account or are they decentralised?

You can have all your countries managed under the one Personio account and using our Employee roles function, you can set up location specific access rights for each country. For example, you can ensure employees based in one country are only able to view other employees within the same country, using this function.

If you manage through one, do the local HR teams modify the settings etc or is that all managed at your HQ?

You can choose two options here:

  • You can nominate an Administrator for each country who can have exclusive rights to modify all the settings. Keep in mind the Administrator role will be able to also view and edit settings for other countries in this scenario.
  • You can choose to create an employee role for each HR Team and grant them custom access rights to modify the settings for their own specific country. While the employees within the role will be able to do most tasks, there are tasks that only Administrators can perform. Therefore they might need to reach out to HQ for certain changes to be made on their behalf.

Have you managed to restrict access for your local HR users so they can’t accidentally modify the settings for everyone?! 

As mentioned above this is possible by using the custom filter within access rights for each HR Team employee role. For example, you could grant custom edit rights with the rule that Country equals Own. 

This means that the employee within this role will only be able to edit data for employees within their own country. As mentioned also, granting Administrator access will allow employees to modify data for all countries, therefore my second option above would be more suited to your desires.

Would we be creating a monster if we had everyone in the one instance?! 

Don’t worry we have plenty of customers who are in the same scenario as you. I think it would be good to set up a call with your Growth Manager on this to discuss the options. They may also be able to provide you with other customer examples who are currently using this option with a high employee number. 

If you have any follow up questions, I will be happy to answer them.



Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Thanks Conor! That’s really helpful. I was discussing on the phone with Allyson about this a week or two ago, so between you and her I’ve lots to think about!

If there are other Personio users that have this sort of set up it would be great to hear any tips too. 

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