Getting old personio employee API response after update department name

  • 11 October 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi Personio community! 

I’m a ROR developer and tried to sync with personio employee API. Getting an issue when I update the department name in personio and sync personio to my system. Personio employee API response but not giving the updated value of the department name.

so anyone know about this or any solution for this issue?

Thank You...

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

 Dear @Payal Radadiya,

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

Could it be possible that the department change of your employees was applied after you obtained the information from the API? You can check this in the employees’ history tab under detailed view: The employee history. The information obtained by the API is the one corresponding to that dates’ attribute according to the application date in the history tab:



Employee profile > History tab > Detail view

So if for example the application date is tomorrow, and you retrieve the information from the API today, the information on the API will be the old department.

If this does not apply to your case, please let me know to see how I can support you further.

Thank you very much for your response!



 Dear @Payal Radadiya,

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

Could it be possible that the department change of your employees was applied after you obtained the information from the API? You can check this in the employees’ history tab under detailed view: The employee history. The information obtained by the API is the one corresponding to that dates’ attribute according to the application date in the history tab:



Employee profile > History tab > Detail view

So if for example the application date is tomorrow, and you retrieve the information from the API today, the information on the API will be the old department.

If this does not apply to your case, please let me know to see how I can support you further.

Thank you very much for your response!




Thank You Andrea for your support.

As per your solution, I check my Application date and added the screenshot for your Information.



And now I retrieve the updated information today, which was updated yesterday.

Can you share with me the information on how it does work?

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Dear @Payal Radadiya,

Thank you for the further details regarding your inquiry. Please make sure not to share any personal information in your screenshots. I can see there is an email address on the one you published, if it is a real address, please remove the image or edit it, so that it is not visible.

In your original post, you mentioned receiving the information for departments. Nevertheless, on your screenshot, you show the application date of the attribute employment type. Could you please check the application date in the history for the attribute department if this is what you are trying to retrieve? Let me know if that makes more sense.

Thank you very much!



Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Dear @Payal Radadiya,

I hope you are doing good! I wanted to ask you if you need further support for your inquiry. If this is the case, don’t hesitate to answer in this thread, we are happy to help!

I wish you a lovely day.



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