How do you feel about the support acces from Personio

Userlevel 1

I am curious how you feel about the the way Personio seems to obscure getting support from them.

  • Limit on two persons how are able to contact them.
  • No published phone number on where to reach support when Personio is not functioning
  • No published e-mail address to reach support when Personio is not functioning
  • Need to fill in find answers form to submit a ticket to them
  • No reply on wether this ticket is received or not and thus if they are working on it.

Do any of you experience the same “great” support from Personio or is it just me?

3 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey @Bjorn 

I understand this is a conversational topic, so I encourage other Personio users to share their insights on this topic so we can get a better understanding of the pain points.

In addition to this, I am providing our guides below on Account Owners and how to request support via Find Answers.

If you have any technical issues that you need support with, please let me know and I will be happy to guide.



Userlevel 1

Hi Connor,

Thanks for links but I am aware of them. That is exactly what is frustrating me.

We are your customer If we have an (technical) issue with Personio I do not want to get myself lost in searching for the correct “Find Anwser section” before I can “hopefully” create a Support Ticket (to which I sometimes do not even get a confirmation it has been received).

I am very unhappy that your company is obfuscating direct support. We are your customers. and if your product is failing, I want to able to get directly in contact with you. Not search for answer myself before I can contact you. If I had time for that I would be doing that. I need direct support if we have an issue which we cannot fix ourselves. Sometimes very urgent (users unable to login) in which case I need you to look with me what the issue could be to fix the problem fast. Sometimes not so urgent in which case we have tried finding the solution ourselves but did not find it. Going through your loopholes of reaching out to support is very frustrating to say at least.

Totally agree!

It is so frustrating, especially when you are in the need of urgent assistant. It takes days to get things solve, as it obviously just not possible to cover all the cases and issues in written form. 

We’ve been your customers roughly several month, managers surrounded me until now were really great, but as soon as implementation and fidt way of help finish, it takes weeks to fight for a simple solution to a problem. I am thinking if that wasn’t a mistake to change to Personio. 

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