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Issues with the Personio app

  • February 16, 2023
  • 1 reply


I cannot work with the Personio app??

and the data from employees cannot be saved???

I ask for support.


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ich komme leider mit der Personio-App nicht klar?? 

und die Daten der Mitarbeiter kann ich nicht abspeichern???? 


bitte um Unterstützung. 


1 reply

  • Former Community Admin
  • 1123 replies
  • February 20, 2023

Dear @Hasina,

First, I wanted to give you a warm welcome to the international Personio Community 🎉.

Since our users here speak different languages, our communication language is English. This is why I have translated your post 😊. 

In order to be able to support you, we need more details about your inquiry:

  • What exactly is the reason you cannot work with the Personio app? Which area are you trying to use, and what happens when you try to use it?
  • Which data are you trying to save in the app, and what happens exactly when you try to save it?

Thank you in advance for your answer.



P.S. If you rather communicate in German, you can visit our DACH Community in this link