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Referals on Personio

  • 23 August 2023
  • 3 replies

Hello everyone, 

I wanted to ask what is the easy way to create an application/add referrals through Personio? 


Should that be connected to the career page or just tackling this with some functionality from Personio?
In the company where I work, we are currently using a separate email to receive referrals from the employees, but we would like to use Personio to do it. 

Could someone help?

3 replies

Userlevel 6

Hey @Greg 

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

So at the moment we don’t have an exact function for referrals on Personio. Instead it will be the same process of applications coming through the Personio Career page. However, what we can do to differentiate these applications is to create a Recruiting Channel like outlined in the 1st step here. You can name it for example ‘Internal Referrals’.

Your applications would be sent as normal as normal to the inbound email address of your Personio inbox and then you can enter the ‘Internal Referrals’ channel into the candidate profile. This allows you to keep track of these and differentiate them from the others using the filter option.

Another way to keep track of these referrals would be to create a tag like mentioned in point one of our helpcenter guide. Again you can filter these applications according to the ‘Internal Referrals’ tag. 

In our Ideation Area, I was able to locate another customer who also had a similar feedback to your issue. I would kindly ask that you upvote and comment with your request under this idea, to give further visibility to the Product Team.

If there is anything else I can help with, please let me know.

Best regards, 

Thanks for the details and explanation of this. 


What about the application for then. Could this be difrenciated on Personio? As If there is an employee that would like to make a referral, could same employee submit candidate via Personio?


Just trying to understand how this will look like from the side of the process and the employee?

Userlevel 6

Hey @Greg 

Unfortunately the applications could not be differentiated on Personio. It would only be after the application came in through the manual use of Channels or Tags that you could differentiate them. However another workaround for this could be possible for internal referrals.

You could set up a Google Form for referrals to be put through like shown below, with the responses being sent to whoever is in charge of your Recruiting area on Personio.


You could then place this Google Form onto your employee’s Dashboard through the Company Shortcuts

Every employee now has the opportunity to use this form to submit their internal referral, which can be received by the Recruiting Team. Once they have collected the CV's, they will need to create the new candidate's profiles. This can be done by making use of the bulk CV parsing option that allows you to automatically analyse and save the information contained in a resume or by doing bulk importing using an Excel Template.

Hopefully this workaround could be of use to you. If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Have a nice day ☘



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