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Hallo Liebe Community, 

wir sind aktuell dabei den Personio Performance & Entwicklungsbereich aufzubauen. Dabei wollen wir die Personio Zeiträume für ein 360 Grad Feedback nutzen. D.h. es soll alle Feedbackformen (Fremdbeurteilung, Selbstbeurteilung, Peerbeurteilung und Beurteilung der Führungskraft) geben. 

Aktuell haben wir ein Problem mit den Peerbeurteilungen. Wir hatten gehofft, dass die Mitarbeiter die Peers, von denen er/sie eine Beurteilungen erhalten möchte, selber auswählen kann. Dies ist jedoch nicht möglich und kann aktuell nur durch Admins und HR Beauftrage passieren. 

Gibt es eine Einstellung, sodass der Mitarbeiter oder zumindest die Führungskraft die Peers wählen kann? 


Der Zeitaufwand die Peers auszuwählen ist mit steigender Mitarbeiterzahl für HR einfach zu hoch und nicht abbildbar. 

Über Antworten freue ich mich sehr! Vielen Dank im Voraus!


Liebe Grüße,



The original post has been translated by the moderator.

Hello dear community, 

We are currently in the process of setting up the Personio Performance & Development area. We want to use the Personio time periods for 360-degree feedback. This means that all forms of feedback (external assessment, self-assessment, peer assessment and manager assessment) should be available. 

We currently have a problem with the peer assessments. We had hoped that employees would be able to select the peers from whom they would like to receive an appraisal themselves. However, this is not possible and can currently only be done by admins and HR representatives. 

Is there a setting so that the employee or at least the manager can choose the peers? 


The time required to select the peers is simply too high for HR as the number of employees increases and cannot be mapped. 

I would be very happy to hear your answers! Many thanks in advance!


Kind regards,



Hey @Kira Krause 

Welcome to the Personio Community, we are thrilled to see you here 🎊 🥳. I am happy to support you with your inquiry.

At the moment as mentioned in our helpcenter article on Peer Reviews, the intended behaviour is that Administrators, employee with edit rights to the Performance Cycle or Supervisors can nominate the employees to fill out Peer Reviews. 


Unfortunately for this reason, employees cannot nominate their own Peer Reviews. Understandably the task may be a lot for you in HR, so I would advise asking for each Supervisor to assign the nominations per their direct report. This will ease the manual work when it comes to a large amount of employees in the Performance Cycle. Just one note, there is no specific setting needed for Supervisors to be able to nominate for their direct reports. They will be able to without any access rights needing to be changed.

If there is anything else I can help with, please let me know.




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